Fort Augustus

Great Glen Way 1

Great Glen Way

Great Glen Way

Inverness Tuesday 10 June 2008

Fort AugustusInverness to Drumnadrochit – The way not marked well. Instead of following the GGW  I ended up following the canal track to Dochgaroch. I crossed over the canal and walked back one mile to B?   Blackfold road. A steady climb to Blackfold. I stopped for an hour to eat lunch, 400ml boiled water + a chilli con carne “Wayfarer” packet. I continued on to Altori and met 4 walkers. I thought that the way was very obscure. There were parts that did not follow the Ordnance Survey map.


Continued on until Loch Lait (?) where there was a camp site off track. I thought it better to stay on rough and continue across B road to Forest Enterprise woodland centre. Not much farther to a good camp site (rough). On the way up a long forestry track I met a lad from Brazil, who had walked from Invermoriston – setting off at 8am and here at 6pm.

The track climbed up 100 metre to plateau and then wound down to parallel with Loch Ness and memorial to “Stuart.” As the track snaked down to the tree line there was a board  with a story about Canadian lumberjacks from Newfoundland (Newphies). Indication of parts of their equipment and buildings showing in wood. The information is orientated for walkers heading north not south, so this board was indicating to look out for the equipment on the north side of the board. As I was walking south I had passed the work site before knowing about it. A note to all walkers.

Continued down through wood to meet a field that was locked off (path led around the field to east). The path was very steep at bends and straight and gentle traverse elsewhere.

Bonnie watched me as I climbed down the steep bits as my left leg was nipping.

Followed farm track to road rather than a further ascent. The track took a further mile or so before joining the road.

Walked on road and pavement into Drumnadrochit. Arrived at a junction that was indicating a camp site 1 or 2  mile further. It was very hard to find as there were few signs. I finally reached the site but camp site was up the hill (50 metres). Put up the tent in a field for caravans. Retired.

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